Marv command and conquer
Marv command and conquer

marv command and conquer

were completely wipeing out my tanks lol. At the end i won but i nearly lost all my tanks and the MARV to a bunch of Obelisk of Lights, i think the AI had some 20-25 put up. almost as soon as i built it, the AI used 2 super weapons and some air attacks on my base i had no structures left really cept the main construction yard, all the tech buildings were destroyed lol, along with all my harvesters and i was on 2 in money! so i used the MARV to act as my harvester so back money to build the base up again, think this happened twice!!! lol And the 2nd time i nearly lost the match i used a RIG and placed it fairly near the NODs base which helped hold them back a bit and less concentraited on my base so much, and it was healing my units, namely my mammoths and the MARV, i was able to build up a decent force, took it into their base and BAM!!! al my units turned on eachother, my MARV was jus killing all my own tanks haha so i had to go back, re-group, and then start again lmao. kept using their super weapons against and i did get my ass handed to me at times! Once i built the MARV i was set, tho i had 2 close calls with that. Ok well i just played the first game using your tactics dantey with the hawks!!! and it WORKED!!! I still struggled but it definately helped a lot, i was able to take out temple of nod with 1 wave of 8 hawks.

Marv command and conquer