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Along the journey you will get a chance to meet characters from games including Diablo, Starcraft and World of Warcraft. Heroes of the Storm, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), gives Windows users the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique Blizzard universe. ContributingĬoding conventions are as usual for C# except braces, those are in egyptian style ( OTBS). Download Latest Version for Windows (4.87 MB) Advertisement. In that case you are losing auto updates, start with windows, and shortcuts. If you don't trust the installer you can download a portable "" and use it instead. Note: sometimes the installer is mistakenly marked as a virus by some AV vendors heuristics because they don't like things that install something on your PC in general. Download "HeroesProfileUploaderSetup.exe" from Releases page (you don't need to download other files listed there) and run it.Uploads Heroes of the Storm replays to ( repo link) Installation